Sunday, 30 March 2014

Examples of text I will be using

Those are some examples of hand-written and typed texts I will be using for the interior of my boat shed. I mixed handwritten and commuter typed texts to illustrate the relationship between the old and the new, the traditional and conventional.Some of the text is in English, some German and some Latin quotes. I used to learn Latin at school and my granddad who I was very close with used to adore the Latin language. Personally, I like how structured Latin is and am very interested in the Roman Empire which is discussed in the majority of texts we used to translate at school. Additionally, I like how Latin has that character of being old and wise.
Anyway, as I said some of my texts are hand written using different kinds of fond. I really value people taking time to write clean and nice and have always been very proud of my own handwriting. As I mentioned previously I also typed up text on the computer. I decided to print those texts on good quality paper and then photograph them again to emphasise the texture. This is one of the things I love about writing by hand - the feeling and smell of paper. Alright, I am getting too poetic now. Here are the images.

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